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Chad Glazer

Get Glowing: Chemical and Physical Exfoliation

Get Glowing: Chemical and Physical Exfoliation

A healthy skin glow makes a person feel beautiful. When skin looks toned, dewy, and soft, we feel confident and youthful. How do we achieve that glow? Exfoliation---the process of removing dead skin cells from the outer layer of skin.

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty | 20% Off

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty | 20% Off

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty, also called Liquid Rhinoplasty or Injection Rhinoplasty, is an alternative to traditional surgical rhinoplasty for certain patients. Instead of surgery, dermal fillers are used to make the desired corrections.

Benefits of our Incisionless Facelift

Benefits of our Incisionless Facelift

If you’re looking for an anti-aging solution that doesn’t come with weeks of downtime, our Incisionless Facelift with Dr. Chad Glazer is an option for you. Our monthly special highlights our Incisionless Facelift, check the end of this blog for details. For now, let’s talk about the benefits of this anti-aging treatment.

Injectable Lip Filler for Mouth Rejuvenation

Injectable Lip Filler for Mouth Rejuvenation

Mouth rejuvenation using injectable filler may sound a little ‘Hollywood’ to you. Don’t be fooled, it’s an in-office hyaluronic acid injectable treatment with Dr. Chad Glazer that will have you walking out the door with a more youthful mouth in less than 45 minutes. Trust us when we say that your mouth looks and feels natural. Do not fear the duck-face look!

Lift your Look for the Holidays: Juvederm Voluma® & Kybella®

Lift your Look for the Holidays: Juvederm Voluma® & Kybella®

The holidays are coming, and we love to look our best as we reunite with family and friends for festivities. Our ‘Lift your Look for the Holidays’ Special, available this month only, includes our Lift & Contour Combination Treatment Package of Juvederm Voluma and Kybella.

Ditch the Razor with Laser Hair Removal

Ditch the Razor with Laser Hair Removal

Unwanted hair? We all have some. We want more of it in some areas (we love NeoGraft®), and less-to-no hair in others (hello laser hair removal).

Shed your Spots this Fall with IPL

Shed your Spots this Fall with IPL

Got spots? Consider fading away that summer damage on your face and chest with an IPL series. Many of our patients at Glazer Facial Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery have unwanted brown spots going into fall induced from summer sun.

Slough Away Your Summer Damage with a Chemical Peel

Slough Away Your Summer Damage with a Chemical Peel

Don’t let the word ‘chemical’ make you nervous---a chemical peel at Glazer Facial Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery is a safe treatment that will revitalize your skin and encourage cell shedding.  With a 30 minute treatment in a relaxing environment, we can have you on your way to reversing summer skin damage. When you shed those dead skin cells that you’ve accumulated this summer your skin glows as the new cells underneath are revealed.