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reduce wrinkles

Dysport: Trick your Lines & Treat your Face

Dysport: Trick your Lines & Treat your Face

The holidays are coming which means social gatherings with friends and family, and a desire to look your best---despite being stretched thin with holiday tasks. A refresh to tired eyes or a lined forehead might be the pick-me-up you need.

Saving for You with 100's of Brilliant Distinctions Points

Saving for You with 100's of Brilliant Distinctions Points

If you haven't heard of Brilliant Distinctions Rewards Program before, you need to read this blog---and start accumulating points and savings! For our Glazer Facial Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery patients that are members of the Brilliant Distinctions program, you’re well aware that these BD points can add up to some serious savings.

Chin Up this Summer with Kybella®

Chin Up this Summer with Kybella®

If your double chin has you feeling blue, consider Kybella at Glazer Facial Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery to contour your chin this summer. Kybella is the first and only FDA approved injectable treatment that destroys fat cells under the chin to improve your profile.

Busy Moms Lose the Lines with Dysport

Busy Moms Lose the Lines with Dysport

A Dysport or Botox treatment is an easy way to lift brows and lose the lines without downtime. You won’t have to take a hiatus from your busy lifestyle.

Remove Wrinkles from your Summer Plans with Botox

Remove Wrinkles from your Summer Plans with Botox

Summer’s coming, and we all want to look our best. Consider Botox, and you won’t have to plan for any downtime. You’ll look refreshed and ready for all the fun that summer brings.