Do you find yourself looking at your reflection and wondering what happened to your hairline? Or your eyebrows? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Glazer, a hair restoration expert, to talk to about transforming your hair this summer with NeoGraft. NeoGraft is the game-changing technology in hair restoration. The procedure is far superior to previous methods of hair restoration, such as the strip method.
There are many distinct advantages to NeoGraft, but here are just a few:
- NeoGraft is great for both men and women. It is estimated that 80 million people suffer from pattern baldness or thinning hair. To many people, a healthy head of hair represents vitality and attractiveness. NeoGraft may change your life and improve your confidence.
- There is NO linear scar with this hair restoration procedure. Instead of using a scalpel which creates a large linear scar, NeoGraft uses an air-pressure/suction-based system to extract individual hair follicles. For the patient, this means no long scar on the back of the head from ear to ear and minimal post-procedure discomfort!
- Patients are able to return to work or other activities very quickly as there is minimal downtime with NeoGraft. Without a large incision, the healing time is greatly reduced as opposed to the slow healing time with the strip method.
- Last but not least, it’s your hair! NeoGraft uses your own hair to give you a natural result.
NeoGraft is THE procedure for hair restoration, and we’re pleased to offer it at Glazer Facial Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery. Maybe you’ve thought about it for yourself or a loved one? Call us or visit us through our website to find out more about restoring your hair this summer at 219-878-5031. We look forward to taking care of you and answering any questions you may have. ‘LIKE’ us on Facebook to stay up-to-date on Promotions, Events, and Giveaways.