If your double chin has you feeling uncomfortable, consider Kybella to contour your jawline this summer. Kybella is the first and only FDA approved injectable treatment that destroys fat cells under the chin to improve your profile. Whether it be from aging, genetics, or weight gain, patients are often bothered by this submental fat. Kybella treats ‘double chin’ by permanently reducing the fat cells, letting your newly contoured jawline shine through.
How Kybella Works
Kybella is a nonsurgical treatment that consists of injections into the fat with deoxycholic acid. This acid is a naturally occurring molecule in the body. It aids in the breakdown and absorption of the fat. These destroyed fat cells will no longer be able to store fat, thus permanent results. The treatment consists of multiple small injections, and takes about 15 to 20 minutes. You will see results after 1 treatment. Some patients desire a few treatments to achieve optimal results.
What Can I Expect?
Minimal discomfort is experienced in a treatment. Patients report a tolerable burning sensation immediately after injecting, which is very easily relieved by some ice. It is common to experience some swelling, and possibly some numbness or bruising. These side effects are temporary and resolve on their own, and you won’t have to plan for any downtime. Kybella treatments are typically spaced at least one month apart.
This month only we’re offering a free Dysport treatment with a Kybella series purchase. It’s a wonderful time to work on your double chin and jawline, and add Dysport to soften and smooth wrinkles as our gift to you. Call today to schedule your consultation or treatment. 219-878-5031